Assignment 3 is an assessment of Writing and Reading skills. Unlike Assignment 2 there is an additional 10 marks available for a candidates ability to infer and interpret information from a text.
We've started with graffiti and vandalism. To what extent are the following images vandalism of graffiti (art). What does it take to make the graffiti purposeful - consideration of audience? Consideration of image? Consideration of message?
R3 analyse, evaluate and develop facts, ideas and opinions.
Assignment 1 in the final portfolio.
We've started with graffiti and vandalism. To what extent are the following images vandalism of graffiti (art). What does it take to make the graffiti purposeful - consideration of audience? Consideration of image? Consideration of message?
For Assignment 3 only, the following reading
assessment objectives are tested (10 marks):
R1 demonstrate understanding of explicit meanings
R2 demonstrate understanding of implicit meanings
and attitudesR3 analyse, evaluate and develop facts, ideas and opinions.
The candidate should explain the views presented
in the text(s), develop any ideas of interest and argue with or against them, examining them for
inconsistencies and substituting complementary or opposingviews.
The assignment may be written in any appropriate
form (e.g. an article, a letter, or the words of a
speech), but teachers must make sure that
Assignment 3 does not have the same form and style asAssignment 1 in the final portfolio.